Hello and welcome to my Hornsea Pottery site

The varied products of Hornsea Pottery are collected by people from all over the world. Some may collect the cute animal figures while others may enjoy the striking 1950's and 1960's contemporary ware

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Ten examples of the variety of Hornsea Pottery
The Hornsea Pottery Collectors and Research Society Newsletter

I edit this magazine which features a plethora of interesting information about new, previously undiscovered pieces, member's individual collections, items for sale, wants and swaps. There are also reports on Society meetings (including auction prices) and input from Hornsea designers and past employees.

If you would like to join the Society and receive the magazine every three months, details can be found on the Links page
Email me if you:

      Have an enquiry about an item of Hornsea Pottery, I may be able to help                     (although tedious requests for valuations will be ignored)

      Have a contribution to make to the Hornsea Pottery knowledge base, any                    information is welcome for publication in the Newsletter


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